

2022.06.27, 明報副刊– 藝術創作覓優勢 – 與情緒共舞

2020.12.14, 明報副刊– 精神健康支援打破常規 – 配「廣角鏡」找出個人優勢


2020.10.22 港大聯合研究發現以優勢模式進行社區精神支援, 在超過六成評估中較傳統模式更具成效


恭喜榮獲 2018/2019 香港大學社會科學學院優秀成果獎 (應用科學研究)

獲獎論文 — Tsoi, E. W., Tse, S., Yu, C. H., Chan, S. K., Wan, E., Wong, S., & Liu, L. (2019). A nonrandomized controlled trial of strengths model case management in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice29(5), 540-554.


Tse, S., Fung, E., Lo, W.K.I., Wong, S., Chan, S. K., Wan, E., Tsoi, W.S.E., & Yuen, W.Y.W. (2020). The strengths model in Hong Kong. In A. N. Mendenhall & M. M. Carney (Eds.). Rooted in strengths: Celebrating strengths perspective in social work (pp. 223-247). Kansas: University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare.


Tse, S., Ng, S.M.C., Yuen, W.Y.W., Fukui, S., Goscha, R.J., & Lo, W.K.I. (2019). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of strengths model case management (SMCM) with Chinese mental health service users in Hong Kong. BMJ Open, 1-10.

Tsoi, E. W., Tse, S., Yu, C. H., Chan, S. K., Wan, E., Wong, S., & Liu, L. (2019). A nonrandomized controlled trial of strengths model case management in Hong Kong. Research on Social Work Practice29(5), 540-554.

Tse, S., Tsoi, E. W., Hamilton, B., O’Hagan, M., Shepherd, G., Slade, M., … & Petrakis, M. (2016). Uses of strength-based interventions for people with serious mental illness: A critical review. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 62(3), 281-291.